August 28, 2017

Dear Republicans: What the Hell Happened to You All?
"I never thought I’d live to see the day where indisputable facts, or even direct quotes, would become “matters of opinion” or “fake news” simply because they don’t want to believe them. Furthermore, today’s Republicans don’t even hold themselves to the same standards and rules they pretend to be outraged over whenever a Democrat doesn’t follow them. There’s not a single person out there who can convince me that had Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton said or done a fraction of what Trump has, many of the same conservative and members of the right-wing media who are now jumping through hoops to defend how awful he is — such Sean Hannity and Alex Jones, two men who’ve proven themselves to be nothing more than con men — wouldn’t be losing their minds. As I wrote about recently, it’s ironic that after years of Trump pushing lies to attack Obama, he’s become so many of the awful things he accused his predecessor of being — yet our 44th president never was. This has led some to joke that Trump’s years of fear-mongering against Obama was actually him prophesying what his “presidency” was going to be like. I miss the days when Republicans were, for the most part, sensible people. While I didn’t always agree with them, I never saw them defending Nazis, trashing U.S. intelligence agencies, defending Russian tyrants, or felt like they were living in a completely different reality than the rest of us. And I’m not even going back to the days of Abraham Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt, men who would be considered ultra liberals by today’s radical GOP standards. Heck, based on the mindset and beliefs of many of today’s conservatives, Ronald Reagan wouldn’t even qualify as a Republican anymore. That’s how ridiculous the party has become."