December 11, 2016

War With Russia Isn't The Issue. Treason Is. | Crooks and Liars

War With Russia Isn't The Issue. Treason Is. | Crooks and Liars
"Russia did what Russia does. We've seen them do it around the world. The single issue here -- the ONLY issue -- is what McConnell, Chaffetz, Comey et al chose not to do. There is no argument for war against Russia. There is, however, a serious argument for why Constitutional officers -- men who swore an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution -- chose instead to undermine it by allowing Russia to do what they did unchecked. In Comey's case, it goes one step farther because Comey actually deflected attention away from Russian interference in order to refocus media on emails, which measurably impacted the outcome. Is there an argument to be made that our fourth estate failed us in this regard? Maybe."