December 15, 2016

Rex Tillerson: An Oligarch’s Dream at the State Department @alternet

Rex Tillerson: An Oligarch’s Dream at the State Department @alternet:
"To succeed in setting up your U.S. oligarchy, you’re going to need to be friendly with oligarchs in other major powers, since what you’re really aiming for is a global oligarchy run from the White House. Why wouldn’t you want a guy like Rex Tillerson as your secretary of state? While Exxon Mobil—unlike Betsy DeVos’s Amway or Seth Mnuchin’s Dune Capital or Andy Puzder’s CKE Restaurants—is a is a publicly-traded company, it is a company like no other, and one whose executives see it, according to Coll, as “an independent, transnational corporate sovereign in the world, a power independent of the American government, one devoted firmly to shareholder interests and possessed of its own foreign policy.” If you’re looking to build an oligarchy of your own, how cool would it be to have a guy running your foreign policy who’s accustomed to doing so in the interest of generating profits? And how much better for you would it be if that same guy knew “all the key players” in the oligarchies of the world, and had operational knowledge of the ways of successful oligarchies?"