December 7, 2016

"Millions Of Americans Have Been Sucker-Punched. They Just Don't Know It Yet."
"One fact that got lost in this Presidential campaign was that the number of people uninsured in this country has plummeted over the past two years, solely because of Affordable Care Act, or “Obamacare.” Approximately 13 million formerly uninsured were instead receiving health care coverage. Among those, about 8 million were whites without college degrees, who voted for the Orange Swindler by a ratio of two-to-one. Just doing the math (I know, math is very fact-based), Krugman points out: [W]e’re probably looking at more than five million Trump supporters, many of whom have chronic health problems and recently got health insurance for the first time, who just voted to make their lives nastier, more brutish, and shorter."