January 9, 2014

The Chamber Of Commerce Attacks Obama Because He Won’t Screw You With Trickle-Down

"As a propaganda minister, Donahue faithfully spread false ideas (trickle-down creates jobs), misinformation (repealing Dodd-Frank and the ACA creates jobs), rumors (taxes under Obama are painfully high), and a blatant lie that eliminating “entitlements and taxes” is the key to creating jobs and growing the economy. It is likely that Republicans and Donahue have told a lie big enough and kept repeating it for thirty years leading ignorant people to believe taxes are painfully high, Social Security and Medicare kill jobs, and that regulations kill jobs. However, for any American experiencing declining wages, jobs lost to outsourcing, and suffering from safety net cuts, the thirty year lie that giving the nation’s wealth to the rich creates jobs and fosters economic growth is just bad propaganda they are unlikely to fall for again."