January 31, 2014

PERRspectives: Dr. Krauthammer Offers GOP a Cure for Its War on Women

PERRspectives: Dr. Krauthammer Offers GOP a Cure for Its War on Women

"Unfortunately, Dr. Krauthammer has misdiagnosed his patient's condition. Abortion is not "the subtext of about 90 percent of the alleged 'war on women.'" Instead, conservative stands on a broad constellation of issues--equal pay, protection from workplace discrimination, access to reproductive and other health services--are alienating American women, especially the unmarried. The right-wing jihad against Planned Parenthood, which provides millions of women with pap smears, breast cancer screenings and access to contraception, is just a comically pathetic smokescreen. (Texas learned that the hard way when it tried to slash $73 million in taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood, only to discover that caring for 23,760 more babies resulting from reduced access to state-subsidized birth control would cost the Lone Star State almost four times as much.)
When it comes to women's reproductive rights, the party that claims to protect "the doctor-patient relationship" is instead mandating medical malpractice."