January 14, 2014

Rick Berman Aims At Teachers Union President, Makes It Personal

Rick Berman Aims At Teachers Union President, Makes It Personal
"Because Berman is a paid hit man for whoever writes the check, it's very difficult to know who is behind his attacks. Berman's Center for Union Facts is the ultimate AstroTurf site, funded by anonymous donors hiding behind the cloak of non-profit status. Their 2011 IRS reports list income received in the form of donations, the sale of op-ed material, the sale of "studies", and a "grant review service." Your one-stop shop for right wing messages, voodoo academia, and fund funneling to other right wing organizations.
Berman's operation is the ultimate "buy publicity and academic opinion" shop. Billionaires are eager to partake in his dogged attacks labeled as civic education, whether it be on the Humane Society or Randi Weingarten and the AFT."