January 9, 2014

Multi-millionaire Steve Forbes Has a Cynical Plan to Keep Working People Down

"Recent respected academic research has determined that raising the minimum wage does not result in job loss – even during bad economic times.
Forbes, a two-time unsuccessful Republican presidential candidate, is on the wrong side of the public in more ways than one. The Nelp-commissioned survey shows that 80% of the public – including 62% of those in Forbes' own party – supports raising the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour and adjusting it for inflation in the future, as President Obama and congressional Democrats propose.
An increase in the minimum wage is overdue. If the minimum wage had just kept pace with inflation since 1969, it would be around $10.70 an hour today instead of $7.25 (or the scandalous $2.13 for tipped workers). If it had kept up with the growth of workers' productivity, it would be $18.72. Meanwhile, if it matched the wage growth of the wealthiest 1%, it would be $28.34.
The stagnation of the minimum wage is digging a deeper and deeper hole between the Steve Forbes's of this country and the rest of us."