July 28, 2019

Why McConnell sees election-security safeguards as ‘partisan’

"The Washington Post’s Paul Waldman pulled back the curtain on the Republicans’ motivations. The legislation to which McConnell refers, the one that passed the House, is pretty straightforward. It requires voter-verifiable paper ballots and voting machines that don’t connect directly to the Internet, so that recounts can be done accurately and there’s less vulnerability to hacking. It gives states money to secure their systems. It instructs the Election Assistance Commission to do a study to determine optimal ballot designs to minimize voter confusion and errors. You wouldn’t think there’s anything there that would particularly advantage one party over another. But that’s only if you didn’t know how voting really works in this country. When we’ve reached the point at which Republicans see safeguards protecting the integrity of elections as helping Democrats to an unacceptable degree, something has gone horribly awry."