May 5, 2019

Republicans want to make sex discrimination legal — and they're moving fast
"There are many reasons that Republicans and conservative activists love Donald Trump, but among the top must be that he makes it much easier for them to enact their wildly unpopular agenda. Trump's all-consuming ability to grab the headlines and dominate news coverage creates an opportunity for the far right to push for its regressive agenda, safe in the knowledge that such efforts (understandably) will get little attention from a media addicted to the Trump Show. Nowhere is this more obvious than when it comes to the conservative battle to make sex discrimination legal. This fight is a particularly difficult one for the right, politically speaking. While Americans still cling to sexist gender roles at home, overwhelming majorities believe that sex discrimination in public spaces should be illegal. So conservative activists are turning to their favorite weapons — bad faith and distraction — to advance an agenda of gender inequality."