October 1, 2018

Jeff Flake doesn't need an FBI investigation to prove Kavanaugh is a liar, just his eyes and ears

"What we learned in all these hours of testimony from Kavanaugh is that he cannot NOT lie. He's lied on really big stuff. He's lied on really little stuff. He's gone out of his way to lie about things that are easily disproved, like the drinking age in Maryland. Or emails that came from his very own White House email account. When cornered, when questioned, or when challenged he either lies or he becomes belligerent and bullying, like when he attacked Sen. Amy Klobuchar for her questioning on his alcohol use. Kavanaugh's need to lie is bordering on pathological. We don't need an FBI investigation to show that. Jeff Flake doesn't need an FBI investigation to discover it. He watched it with his own eyes. If he doesn't believe his own eyes, then clearly he's not acting in good faith."