May 4, 2018

McConnell remaking the judiciary in Trump's image for the next generation
"In addition to those 15 appeals court confirmations, McConnell's pushed through 17 to district courts. And, of course, Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court—all of them in the image of Antonin Scalia, or worse. Consider Wendy Vitter who seems to believe that birth control kills, abortion causes cancer, and that schools should not have been desegrated. In fact, four considered in committee this week—Alan D. Albright, Thomas S. Kleeh, Peter J. Phipps, and Michael J. Truncale—did not raise their hands when Sen. Richard Blumenthal asked which of them believe Brown v. Board of Education was correctly decided. Before leaving for the next week on Thursday, McConnell filed for cloture on six more nominees, all for appeals courts. These votes will occur soon after they return to work on May 7."