April 29, 2018

10 Facts that Indicate Robert Mueller’s Investigation Isn’t a ‘Witch Hunt’ Against Trump

"When it comes to Donald Trump and the people supporting him, facts and reality don’t really matter. These are folks who literally seem to think that pesky things like “reality” and “facts” are whatever they want to be real — actual reality and facts be damned. You don’t need to go any further than Trump’s rhetoric concerning Robert Mueller’s investigation into his campaign for a perfect example of what I mean. From the very beginning, Trump’s claimed that this is all some sort of a “witch hunt” against him. This “president” and his supporters have pushed conspiracies alleging some sort of “deep state” working against him, sometimes even saying that Democrats were using all of this as an excuse for losing an election. Unfortunately for Trump and his supporters, actual facts and reality don’t support their absurd nonsense."