March 24, 2018

Wednesday in Trumplandia: Back channels, witness tampering, and Betsy's bro is in trouble
"Prince told lawmakers on the House Intelligence Committee that he did not plan to meet Dmitriev in Seychelles but that once he was there discussing possible business deals with UAE officials, they unexpectedly suggested that he visit the hotel bar and meet Dmitriev. In fact, Prince went on at some length about the trivial nature of his discussion with Dmitriev, which he claimed lasted no more than 30 minutes. Since Prince was under investigation by the FBI a year ago, it seems likely that all of those lies—including the idea that he wasn’t there to represent Trump—were repeated to FBI agents. Which is exactly the kind of thing that has generated a neat indictment for others in the investigation. That Seychelles meeting is also getting a look because of concerns that foreign contributions may have reached the Trump campaign."