December 1, 2017

New York Times: The GOP Tax Bill Will Permanently Alter Americans' Lives—For The Worse.
"It’s probably safe to say that the average Trump voter did not vote to consign Social Security and Medicare to their graves. They probably did not vote to gut their healthcare or their own jobs and retirements. They probably did not vote for billionaires to buy new and improved Superyachts and ensconce their spoiled and undeserving children as a permanent overclass and aristocracy to rule over them. Because with every aristocracy there must also be a permanent class of peasants. Even the dullest of Republican voters probably senses this, however dimly. But that is exactly what they’re going to get this week, when the Republican Party votes in lockstep to gut what most of us know as the American way of life. The New York Times gets it, even though someone there probably realizes most who voted Republican aren’t listening but are too busy sharing a Facebook post about how pro football players are betraying the nation, while the rest of us recoil in horror at what is about to happen to the country. What we see being hastily rammed through by the Republican Congress against the wishes of the American people is the same rehash of failed policies that led to the worst and most crippling budget deficits in American history. Of course that has been the plan all along: following the irrepressible mantra that huge tax cuts for the wealthy—however unnecessary and not even asked for—will somehow trickle down to the working people in this country to improve their lives. It didn’t work before and it won’t work now"