December 1, 2017

If Trump’s tax plan had merit, he wouldn’t have to lie about it
"the White House is helping negotiate additional changes to the Senate legislation that would further boost the president’s personal finances. It’s worth emphasizing that Trump has made this claim before, probably because it seems like a politically persuasive talking point: if our wealthy president is going to be worse off under the GOP proposal, it may be more in line with public attitudes that show broad support for higher taxes on the richest Americans. It’s precisely why it matters that Trump’s claims are the opposite of the truth. Indeed, every time the president has presented his bogus argument, it’s been smacked down by fact-checkers. The fact that he keeps repeating it anyway reinforces fears that he’s deliberately trying to deceive the nation ahead of the votes in Congress. All of which raises the question that should give the public pause: if the Republican tax plan has merit, why can’t Donald Trump tell the truth about it?"