June 15, 2017

Republican National Committee defends Sessions by insulting everyone’s intelligence

"Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself from investigations related to the 2016 presidential campaign after it emerged that he had misled senators during his confirmation hearing about at least two meetings he had with the Russian ambassador Sergei Kislyak during the campaign. Sessions also failed to disclose the meetings on his security clearance application. The issue isn’t the meeting themselves — it’s Sessions’ deception. It’s also the fact that his subsequent explanations for lack of transparency don’t pass the smell test. For instance, Sessions claimed he didn’t disclose his meetings with Kislyak because he attended him in his capacity as senator, even though one of them occurred at the Republican National Convention — an event that Sessions traveled to and from using campaign funds. What’s more, a person who was at the RNC told the Wall Street Journal that Sessions and Kislyak discussed the Trump campaign."