June 10, 2017

Comey: Russia ‘Will Be Back’ To Interfere In Future US Elections

"Fired FBI Director James Comey on Thursday said that Russia “will be back” to interfere in future U.S. elections. “Was the Russian activity in the 2016 election a one-off proposition or is this a part of a long-term strategy? Will they be back?” Sen. Angus King (I-ME) asked Comey. “Oh, it’s a long-term practice of theirs. It’s stepped up a notch in a significant way in ’16,” Comey replied. “They’ll be back.” “I think that’s very important for the American people to understand, that this is very much a forward-looking investigation in terms of, how do we understand what they did and how do we prevent it,” King said. “Would you agree that’s a big part of our role here?” “Yes, sir. And it’s not a Republican thing or a Democratic thing. It really is an American thing,” Comey said."