March 3, 2017

Here’s Why the Sessions Scandal is a Huge Deal & His Excuse Makes No Sense
"Not only did Sessions have contact with Russian officials, he did so twice. According to justice department officials, Sessions met with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak once in July during the GOP convention and again at his office in September. According to U.S. intelligence officials, Kislyak is considered to be one of Russia’s top spies and spy-recruiters. Sessions is claiming he didn’t lie because there’s nothing wrong with a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee meeting with a Russian official. However, as the Washington Post found out, apparently no other members of that committee met with Kislyak last year. So why out of all 26 senators who serve on that committee does it seem as if Sessions was the only person to meet with Kislyak? It goes back to what I’ve been saying for months now, these ties Trump has to Russia aren’t all “a coincidence.” Think about this. We now know that two top people close to Trump lied about their contact with Russian officials. This all comes on the heels of an election where the most pro-Russian candidate in history, a man who staunchly refuses to say a single negative word about Russia, was helped by a Russian cyber attack clearly aimed at helping elect him president. This also goes along with the infamous dossier put together by a former MI6 spy that not only seems to have been accurate when it said some individuals within Trump’s circle had contact with Russian officials, but also alleges Vladimir Putin has information he’s using to compromise our current Commander-in-Chief. But all is well, right? Sessions has now agreed to recuse himself from any potential investigation into ties between Donald Trump and Russia. You see, that proves how shady he is. For weeks there have been calls for Sessions to recuse himself from any potential investigation into these Russian allegations against Trump, yet he seemed unwilling to do so — until now."