February 11, 2017

The Untold Truth Behind Both The Garland And The Gorsuch Nominations

"Against all of this confusion and angst, there remains one unremarked upon truth — Republicans virtually never have, and never would now, confirm a Democratic Supreme Court nominee. That’s it.  Here is a fascinating question — when was the last time that a Republican Senate confirmed the Supreme Court nomination from a Democratic President? Answer: You have to go back to December 1895, when a Senate with a plurality of Republicans approved President Grover Cleveland’s nomination of Rufus Peckham to the Supreme Court in a voice vote. At that time, the GOP had 44 Senate seats and the Democrats had 40 seats, with 6 other Senators belonging to other parties. 121 years ago!! You see, when Democrats talk and genuflect to norms, traditions, history and accommodation — they are only talking to themselves. Republicans have no freaking idea what Dems are even talking about. The supposedly “bipartisan” framework for approving Supreme Court justices is entirely a matter of internal Democratic policy: In fact, all 13 of the Supreme Court nominations since 1945 that were eventually approved by an opposing party [the Democrats] in the Senate were made by Republican presidents. Familiar names such as Earl Warren, William Brennan and Potter Stewart were Eisenhower nominees approved by a Democratic-controlled Senate. Every such nomination since World War II, and it goes back before that! Even Clarence Thomas got 11 Democratic votes to get him over to the required, non-filibustered total of 52 votes. Dems totaled over 21% of his vote. And, 22 of Roberts’ 78 votes, or 28%, came from Democrats.  By contrast, Obama’s last confirmed Justice — Elena Kagan — received only five unneeded Republican votes — and of that group, only two — Senators Graham and Collins — remain in the Senate."