February 18, 2017

Republicans Will Regret This When the Next Recession Hits

"Ever since the committee passed on Mnuchin's nomination, which was passed with only Republican votes because the Democratic members of the committee were disgusted with Mnuchin's testimony and with the Republican majority's apparent indifference to the obvious mendacity of some of it, some other developments have occurred that do not lead me to be optimistic that the swamp reclamation project is going as planned. First, the president* already has signed an executive order that was a direct assault on the Wall Street reforms contained in the Dodd-Frank legislation that was passed in the wake of the nearly catastrophic collapse of the financial system. (The latest atrocity? American companies can get back into the blood diamond business.) Moreover, as this Reuters report indicates, once he's confirmed, Mnuchin plans to lard up the top echelons of the Treasury Department with folks who flourished in the piratical culture that nearly blew up the world."