February 7, 2017

Let’s Be Honest: The Trump Administration is a Joke and Republicans Don’t Give a Damn

"This whole thing is nothing but an embarrassing dumpster fire. It’s as if the comments section of a right-wing blog puked forth a candidate who was then elected president. Now we’re all forced to live under the rule of a bunch of morons who believe in asinine conspiracy theories like Barack Obama faked his birth certificate, Jade Helm was a government plot to confiscate guns, or everything that doesn’t bow down and say Trump’s the greatest is “fake news.” We’re not being ruled by a presidential administration, we’re being ruled by the alt-right, racists, bigots, sexists, conspiracy theorists, individuals who deny science, and people who don’t seem to think reality is actually real. As others have said, this is essentially the Breitbart Administration: A fringe, right-wing conspiracy group full of propagandists, fearmongers, white nationalists, and unhinged sociopaths who want to see the world burn."