January 17, 2017

The Most Loathsome Republican: McConnell Does the GOP's Dirty Work While All Eyes Follow Trump @alternet

The Most Loathsome Republican: McConnell Does the GOP's Dirty Work While All Eyes Follow Trump @alternet:

"McConnell has long been one of the least principled Republican leaders. In the late 1990s, he opposed all forms of campaign finance reform when the McCain-Feingold bill was proposed, countering deregulation of donation limits and disclosure by donors was all that was needed. McConnell changed his tune on disclosure after the Supreme Court’s Citizens United ruling, because the biggest GOP donors wanted to throw all the mud they could but were too cowardly to publicly attach their names to the political attacks they funded. In McConnell, Trump has the perfect henchman. If one takes a look at the press releases from the Senate Majority Leader’s office since the election, one finds not just kneejerk fealty to the president-elect’s nominees and relentless criticism of all things Obama but propagandistic rhetoric in which plain language loses its meaning when held against any objective standard based on facts. Take what McConnell said about Treasury Secretary designate Steven Mnuchin, whose past business experience includes running the mortgage lender IndyMac, which foreclosed on thousands of borrowers instead of refinancing so average Americans could keep their homes and equity. “It is time to get serious about the problems families and businesses large and small across the nation face,” McConnell said. “Whether it is the urgent need for tax reform or wide-ranging regulatory relief, we will need someone like Steven working with both parties in Congress to make it happen. His private sector expertise will be valuable as we begin to tackle these challenges and reverse the last eight years of economic heartache.” McConnell is the perfect partner and lying propagandist for Trump."