January 6, 2017

‘Never seen such a desperate need to be liked’: Internet mocks Trump’s insecure tweet on A-list celebs

‘Never seen such a desperate need to be liked’: Internet mocks Trump’s insecure tweet on A-list celebs
"Reports abound over word that one Donald J. Trump—president elect, reality TV star, self-described p*ssy grabber—is having a difficult time landing A-list performances for his inauguration day. One source told the Wrap Trump’s transition team is “willing to pay anything” for a Justin Timberlake or Bruno Mars appearance. Another said they offered celebrity bookers ambassadorships in exchange for handing over a vocal sensation to serenade the president-elect on his big day. And yet, so far the only celebrity Trump’s officially landed is 16-year-old “America’s Got Talent” runner-up Jackie Evancho, who will be performing the National Anthem on Jan. 20."