January 6, 2017

It's Time We Start Calling the Republican Party What It Is: A Domestic Terrorist Organization

It's Time We Start Calling the Republican Party What It Is: A Domestic Terrorist Organization
"Since 2012 we’ve seen Republicans shut down our government when they knew it was never going to accomplish anything; several have praised a Russian dictator who hates this country (because this pro-Putin stance by conservatives has been going on since well before this election); they pushed our country to the brink of default for the first time in history by lying about what the debt ceiling is; and did everything they could to prevent this president from having the power to keep improving on an economy a Republican president spent eight years destroying. And that doesn’t even get into what happened in 2015 when the GOP blatantly attempted to sabotage President Obama’s negotiations with Iran. They took the unprecedented move to sidestep him by inviting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to speak to Congress and sent a letter directly to the Iranian government basically saying the deal they were working on with the president was pointless because they were going to undo it as soon as they could. But nothing they’ve done over the last few years comes close to what we’re witnessing right now. The vast majority of the GOP is sheepishly lining up to defend and support Donald Trump, a man who the heads of our major intelligence agencies (NSA/CIA/FBI) have said was the beneficiary of a cyber attack against the United States. An attack they say was ordered by a tyrant and murderer, Russian President Vladimir Putin, in a blatant attempt to undermine our democracy hoping to help the person he wanted to be our next president. This is a party that wasted millions of dollars on bogus investigations into Benghazi, and swore to spend years investigating Hillary Clinton’s emails had she won, that doesn’t seem all that concerned with the fact that our intelligence officials are literally saying that a foreign leader (who hates this country, by the way) did just about everything he could to help the most pro-Russian presidential candidate in our nation’s history get elected."