November 15, 2016

They're Not Alt-Right. They're NeoNazis/White Supremacists
"Dear Talking Heads and Print Journalists, You seem really concerned about offending the feelings of NeoNazis, otherwise know as White Supremacists or White Nationalists. GET OVER IT! The Neo Nazis know that their usual tags inspire revulsion amongst many Americans. That’s why Bannon and his ilk have invented the term “Alt Right”. Most people don’t even realize what it means… it just vaguely sounds sort of Conservative. Not as hateful. Almost could be benign. “Hey, isn’t the Alt-Right just the Indie version of the Republican party for millennials”? They knew they had to rebrand. And they knew using a different term would help obfuscate the truth of what they are. So stop using the term “Alt-Right” and just come out and call them what they are: Neo Nazis. And if that’s too raw, then at least have the integrity to call them White Supremacists or White Nationalists."