October 9, 2016

Dear Republican leaders who endorsed Trump: You own him

"He is the candidate of white supremacists, and it’s not just that they like him. He likes them back, if his retweets are anything to go by. Hell, his campaign is being run by a white nationalist. That didn’t clue you in? At the very first Republican presidential primary debate, Megyn Kelly asked Trump about his record of insulting women—so it’s not like that was a secret. He responded by saying she had “blood coming out of her wherever.” That wasn’t a hint you might have a problem?  Khizr and Ghazala Khan. Judge Gonzalo Curiel. Alicia Machado. New York Times reporter Serge Kovaleski. Trump has based his campaign around the lowest, most personal attacks he could muster, all based around people not being rich white men like him. Republicans like House Speaker Paul Ryan have squirmed, they’ve pretended not to hear, they’ve occasionally disavowed specific comments, but they’ve stuck with Trump. And that’s on them. McConnell is holding a Supreme Court seat open for Trump to fill, FFS.  You endorsed him, you own him, “grab them by the p*ssy” and all."