October 9, 2016

Another Very Sexist Donald Trump Story Broke on Friday That Needs More Attention

Another Very Sexist Donald Trump Story Broke on Friday That Needs More Attention

"Seriously, are there still people out there who actually think Trump has even a shred of respect for women? What’s funny is that it’s fairly common for his supporters to tell me how “amazing his children are,” as “proof” that he’s a good man and father. Except, as Ivana just pointed out — and he’s more or less admitted — Trump has had almost nothing to do with the actual raising of his children. Aside from providing financial support, which he probably would have avoided doing (like he did paying taxes) if he felt he could have gotten away with it legally and from a personal relations standpoint, he doesn’t seem to have done a thing when it came to the day-to-day functions of being an actual parent. After all, if a man does that — then that’s the husband trying to “act like the wife"."