July 24, 2016

The RNC Was Not the End of the GOP, it Was its Rebirth as a Fascist Party

"Donald Trump's acceptance speech at the GOP convention last night was a predictable mixture of outright lies and rampant fear mongering designed to appeal to the worst of America's instincts. Much of the speech was nothing out of the ordinary given the general tone of Republican rhetoric in recent years -- but there were a couple of stark differences that had much of the blogosphere up in arms -- and rightly so. It wasn't Trump's lies, his bombast or his nastiness -- it was dictatorial strongman act that he alone can fix America's problems, and the bleak fact that his presence in American politics is no longer a joke.  What was once unthinkable is now real, and Trump is officially the Republican nominee for president. This was not the end of the Republican Party as many have claimed -- it was its transformation into something completely different.  As Trump delivered his lie-filled, nonsensical stream of paeans to himself read badly off of a teleprompter, the blogosphere reacted in real time, debunking much of the garbage he promised his audience was the unvarnished truth. “Here at our convention, there will be no lies,” said Trump. Of course this was utter, utter bullsh*t.  After it was done, sane commenters reacted in horror to the spectacle that had more in common with a Nuremberg Rally than a political convention in a modern democracy."