July 4, 2016

Republicans Released Their Benghazi Report and It's an Absolute Joke

Republicans Released Their Benghazi Report and It's an Absolute Joke

"After spending years and millions of taxpayer dollars on these multiple Benghazi “investigations,” the report can ultimately be summarized by the following: While we found no actual evidence or proof of deliberate wrongdoing, or even anything specific that would have alerted President Obama or Secretary Clinton that an attack was imminent, we feel that, based on our own subjective and partisan opinions, more could have been done to possibly prevent this attack. No, seriously, that’s essentially what this more than 800-page report says. Here’s a key passage to prove it: It is not clear what additional intelligence would have satisfied either Kennedy or the Secretary in understanding the Benghazi mission compound was at risk — short of an attack. Not that there was any real, concrete evidence that there was going to be an actual attack, just that, based on the opinions of these Republicans, they feel that something could have been done to prevent what happened. Of course, that’s not what the expert Republicans specifically brought in to investigate this, former three-star Lt. General Dana K. Chipman, concluded. In fact, his exact words were that he didn’t believe “anything could have been done differently to affect the outcome in Benghazi.” So, when Republicans basically say that, despite all evidence to the contrary, they feel more could have been done, that’s completely absurd considering their own hand-picked expert said there wasn’t anything more that could have been done. This whole circus has been an absolute embarrassment for this country. Republicans literally wasted millions of dollars trying to manipulate millions of people, including the friends and families of the victims, to exploit this tragedy for nothing more than a petty and disgraceful attempt to hurt Hillary Clinton’s chances at becoming our next president."