July 19, 2016

David Duke Inspired By Trump To Run For Congress To Stop 'Ethnic Cleansing' Of White People

David Duke Inspired By Trump To Run For Congress To Stop 'Ethnic Cleansing' Of White People:

"On Saturday, white nationalist leader and Donald Trump booster David Duke promoted his potential run for Congress on “The Political Cesspool,” the “pro-White” radio program that once hosted Donald Trump Jr. Duke said that if he decides to run for Congress in Louisiana, it will be to warn people that “European-Americans” are “headed toward an ethnic cleansing, and that’s the only way to put it, in the nation that our forefathers created” and to combat policies that are “destroying our people.” He repeated his belief that Trump, who has notoriously shared the Twitter messages of white supremacists, include one with the handle @WhiteGenocideTM, has given white nationalists an opportunity to go “on the offensive"."