May 10, 2016

Dear Republicans: Like it or Not, George W. Bush is the Reason Your Party is Destroying Itself

Dear Republicans: Like it or Not, George W. Bush is the Reason Your Party is Destroying Itself

"The moment Bush left office, the GOP instantly embraced the tea party “movement” as a way to try to repair its image from the damage the previous eight years had done. It was their way to try to “reinvent” themselves as a “true conservative party for the people.” Though the tea party was never a “new” movement. The only thing the tea party has ever been is a voice for the racists, the bigots and the crazies who’ve been slowly gaining control over the GOP for decades. With the emergence of the tea party, these bottom-feeders finally had a voice in Washington. And because Republicans were so desperate to do anything to cleanse themselves of the horrible eight years of George W. Bush, they blindly embraced the very monster that was always destined to destroy them."