December 4, 2015

The Tea Party Is Slowly Dying, But It's Being Replaced By Fascism

The Tea Party Is Slowly Dying, But It's Being Replaced By Fascism

"The fact that the Tea Party is declining in popularity but the GOP continues to tack ever further to the right-wing fringe should be very troubling, not just for the Republican Party, but for our country as a whole. Considering that out of the top presidential contenders, only Ted Cruz seems to have the full support of the Tea Party and sits in fourth place, this shows the GOP has moved to the right of the Tea Party in a very short period of time. Part of the blame can certainly be placed on the conservative media. For a period of time, the Tea Party was considered revolutionary and websites like flourished. Eventually, simply spreading conspiracy stories about gun confiscation and Obamacare death panels wasn’t enough. This explains why Donald Trump has such a “yuuuuugge” lead in GOP polls; he’s willing to say the things that many Tea Party leaders would have considered just a bit too much, and voters are eating it up. The Republican Party is lurching away from the Tea Party and toward a frightening marriage of religious fanaticism and fascism. Based on history, this cannot end well, at all."