October 16, 2015

Welcome to the conservative apocalypse! First David Brooks, now the party chairman figures out right-wing clusterf**k

Welcome to the conservative apocalypse! First David Brooks, now the party chairman figures out right-wing clusterf**k

"The bottom line is that the Republican Party has taken steps in recent years that yielded short-term victories in midterm elections. But they’ve lost control of the party. The Tea Party wing and the extremists on whom Republicans have relied for grassroots support have steered the party off a cliff. They’ve sent a crop of nihilists to Congress who’ve done nothing but obstruct for the better part of a decade. Does Priebus think there would be no long-term consequences for this?

When you’ve reached the point where your presidential nominees are forced to deny science and compete to see who cares less about women’s rights, you’ve got a major problem. Someone like Priebus thinks Trump and Carson will never win, and that a Jeb Bush or a Marco Rubio will ultimately prevail. Perhaps that’s true, but the presence of fanatics like Trump and Carson and Cruz in the race means even the so-called moderates have to adopt extreme positions to remain competitive in the party. And no matter how centrist their eventually nominee is, the Republican brand will remain tainted.

This has been the case for the last two presidential elections, and 2016 will be no different."