October 17, 2015

President Obama Calls Out Fox News And Right-Wing Media For Falsely Portraying Him As Scary

"Ever since he captured the Democratic nomination in 2008, Fox News has run a despicable smear campaign against President Obama in an effort to stoke fear and hatred of him. This was further perpetuated by Sarah Palin, who accused President Obama of being friends with terrorists and being a secret Muslim. Basically, Fox News and conservatives have been bearing false witness for the last seven years, thus repeatedly breaking one of the Ten Commandments they claim to revere so much. Conservative media has also demonized every effort President Obama has made to help the sick and the poor, further revealing their lack of Christian values.
Clearly, conservatives are hypocrites and President Obama has zero f*cks left to give when it comes to dealing with them in good faith. Now, he’s just going to keep telling the truth about them as long as they continue to insist on telling lies about him."