October 23, 2015

Benghazi is a Fox News farce: What the witch hunt reveals about the right’s most cherished lies

Benghazi is a Fox News farce: What the witch hunt reveals about the right’s most cherished lies

"Again, there’s really no reason to be surprised that Gowdy’s accusation turned out to be wishful thinking. And, no, Cummings’ request for an apology won’t be answered in kind. The GOP’s business model forbids it. Simply put, the model goes like this: make stuff up and never apologize. The calculus is arguably the most cynical brand of politics imaginable. Knowing how a lie can travel halfway around the world before the truth gets its pants on, the GOP has been remarkably successful at unapologetically injecting total hooey into the discourse, only for it to metastasize as reality in spite of countless fact-checks to the contrary."