March 14, 2015

Republicans' new climate strategy: just ban the words 'climate change'
"Making the science invisible is a much better plan than the current Republican strategy of foregoing all policy decisions by pretending to be too stupid to understand science. Scott already tried the “I’m not a scientist!” excuse anyway, and for his troubles had to entertain a clutch of scientists in Tallahassee trying to explain climate change to him. He gave them a 30-minute limit, spent nearly half of it on chit-chat, stonefaced through the remainder and then bolted.
Claiming that you’re not a scientist trips you up when you do other science-based things with the same tools. For instance: Scott’s environmental policies read like a textbook version of regulatory capture, slashing budgets while staffing agencies with developers and their lawyers. Environmental regulation enforcement dropped by two-thirds while DEP staffers were given bonuses for accelerating permitting for development. Meanwhile, Scott capped environmental penalties for Big Sugar and fought the federal government on clean-water standards"."