February 17, 2015

Papa John’s Stole Wages From Their Employees, Now They’re Paying An $800,000 Price Tag For It

"Gee, it kinda sounds like John Schnatter literally got rich by stealing from his own employees. After all, parent companies get a slice of the profits made by their franchisees. Combined with his refusal to pay his workers a living wage and his refusal to provide them with health insurance, it’s no wonder why Schnatter is able to live in such opulence. Here’s an aerial photograph of his sprawling 40,000 square foot castle in Kentucky, which includes a pool, a golf course, a 22 car garage, and a drawbridge.
In addition, Schnatter owns two other homes in Florida and Utah. All generously and unknowingly purchased by workers for John Schnatter with their stolen wages while they slave away in kitchens across the country with no health insurance. And conservatives have the nerve to wonder why fast food workers are going on strike. It’s because of greedy jackasses like this guy."