Bill O’Reilly Warns Viewers That The Media Lies, Doesn’t Mention He’s On The Least Truthful “News” Network (Video)
"He has a point, we should always hold our news agencies to the highest of standards – but he works for the most dishonest cable news channel in this country. Fox News is nothing but a conservative entertainment network. It’s not news, it’s right-wing propaganda. I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve caught them blatantly editing videos to slander President Obama or how often they’ve been rated as one of the least trusted news sources in the country. It seems like any time a non-partisan list is made of the least trustworthy news sources, Fox News is right at the top of the list. And let’s not forget that Fox News is currently being sued by the city of Paris for pushing several lies following the terrorist attack against Charlie Hebdo.
Last time I checked, no one at Fox News was suspended for allowing several of their guests to come on national television and blatantly lie. Heck, not only did they allow them to lie, but they were encouraged by many of the Fox News hosts because the lies they were spewing fit the narrative the network was trying to push. So until O’Reilly starts acting as outraged over the plethora of lies that are constantly told on his own network, he really shouldn’t try to act too upset over what Brian Williams said. While Williams’ lie is extremely embarrassing for him, it doesn’t even come close to the foundation of dishonestly on which Fox News is built."