November 4, 2014

Will a Neo-Confederate Theocrat Be the New Republican Councilman in One of Richest U.S. Counties?

Will a Neo-Confederate Theocrat Be the New Republican Councilman in One of Richest U.S. Counties?

"On November 4, 2011, standing on a small stage with Bible verses splashed on the background behind him, Michael Peroutka told a small audience attending his lecture that “when you see and hear folks describe the earth as millions of years old, you know that they are either willfully anti-American, or they are ignorant of their own heritage and history. What I am saying is that the promotion of evolution is an act of disloyalty to America.”

Three years later, on November 4, 2014, Michael Peroutka is standing for election as a Republican candidate for the county council of a sedate Maryland suburb in the orbit of the nation’s capital."