September 5, 2014

Move over, Mitch! Paul Ryan lets slip secrets of how GOP will run the Senate

Move over, Mitch! Paul Ryan lets slip secrets of how GOP will run the Senate

"Move over, Sen. Mitch McConnell! Rep. Paul Ryan is telling the world what you’ll do if Republicans take over the Senate.
It’s only fair, I guess, since Speaker Ted Cruz is running the House.
But seriously, who came up with this strategy, shared by McConnell, to drive a big midterm GOP victory by promising to move the political process from paralysis to rigor mortis? First McConnell told his paymasters, the Kochs, that he’ll court another government shutdown by attaching riders to spending bills that the president will almost certainly have to veto. After running that notion by the Kochs at their June retreat, and finding they liked it, McConnell brought it to Politico last month."