July 15, 2014

Fox Host Gretchen Carlson Warns Seinfeld's 'Festivus' Promotes Anti-Christian Persecution | Right Wing Watch

Fox Host Gretchen Carlson Warns Seinfeld's 'Festivus' Promotes Anti-Christian Persecution | Right Wing Watch

"Today, the far-right website WorldNetDaily interviewed Fox News host Gretchen Carlson and Fred Thompson, the former U.S. Senator and presidential candidate, about their roles in the new film “Persecuted,” a thriller about looming anti-Christian oppression in the U.S.
While Thompson pointed to Obamacare and the Hobby Lobby case as examples of the government persecuting Christians, Carlson once again highlighted the real force crushing the freedoms of Christians in America: Seinfeld.
She told WorldNetDaily that “Festivus,” the secular holiday popularized by the 1997 Seinfeld episode “The Strike,” is helping “erode” America’s “heritage” and “strip our society of certain things that have been in existence for a long time"."