July 21, 2014

Conservative ‘Christian’ Says President Obama’s Execution Should Be Worse Than Being Drawn And Quartered (VIDEO)

"It’s especially disturbing since these people have the gall to say these things and call themselves “Christians” at the same time. This madness will not end unless authorities or voters start taking this kind of talk more seriously. Everytime a conservative talks about killing the president, it’s a threat to national security and the political discourse. It’s the way conservatives stoke rage in the hope that one of their own will actually follow through and carry out the crime. It’s their way of trying to provoke fellow conservatives into overthrowing the government with a bloody coup just because they want their own way. It’s dangerous and shouldn’t be tolerated in a civilized society by anyone. Law enforcement authorities shouldn’t tolerate it and voters shouldn’t tolerate it either. Forget impeachment. THIS is what should really inspire Democrats to vote in 2014."