February 18, 2014

PERRspectives: Georgia Republicans are Killing Hospitals--and People

PERRspectives: Georgia Republicans are Killing Hospitals--and People

"By now, millions of Americans--most of them in red states-- are growing familiar with the "coverage gap." Thanks to their rejection of the Affordable Care Act's expansion of Medicaid in states they control, GOP leaders are leaving at least five million people in an insurance "dead zone," earning too much to qualify for Medicaid but too little to obtain federal subsidies to purchase coverage on their. As a recent Harvard study suggests, that Republican dead zonewill a very real body count, with as many as 17,000 people forecast to needlessly die each year for lack of health insurance.

But GOP obstruction won't just kill people in places like Texas, Mississippi and many more. As the case of Georgia shows--where over 600,000 residents will fall into the coverage gap and as many as 1,175 will die this year--Republican policy is killing hospitals, too."