February 10, 2014

PERRspectives: For Republicans, CBO Stands for Conservative Bulls**t Obliterator

PERRspectives: For Republicans, CBO Stands for Conservative Bulls**t Obliterator

"Despite their trumpeting of its latest budget report, it's no secret that Republicans hate the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO). In 2011, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) denounced the CBO's forecast that the Affordable Care Act will reduce--not increase--the U.S. national debt, calling its projections "budget gimmickry." That November, momentary GOP presidential frontrunner Newt Gingrich called for the death penalty, declaring "If you are serious about real health reform, you must abolish the Congressional Budget Office because it lies."

Of course, the GOP hates the Congressional Budget Office not because it lies, but because it produces inconvenient truths."