August 21, 2013

Militarizing America's Police Forces | Common Dreams

Militarizing America's Police Forces | Common Dreams
"Actually, it is not al-Qaida terrorists that have Concord's police gearing up for war, but, as their request put it, "the domestic type" of terrorists.
Really? Terrorists in Concord? Yes, claim police, referring vaguely to "daily challenges" and warning that the "threat is real and here."
Who are these domestic demons? The police finger two groups. First, Occupy NH. But it's a benign bunch that legitimately protests inequalities in our country, and its only "violence" has been directed at litter, having joined in local litter pickup days. Second, the Free State Project. But it's just a libertarianish outfit trying to convince 20,000 likeminded people to move to New Hampshire and support limited government. How's that for irony?"