July 4, 2013

For July 4th: Remembering Why the Right Does Not Own the Stars and Stripes | Alternet

For July 4th: Remembering Why the Right Does Not Own the Stars and Stripes | Alternet
"The right-wingers of the Revolutionary era were Tories -- colonists who remained loyal to the British crown, fearful of change and, in their assistance to the occupying army of George III, the precise opposite of patriots. Only from the perspective of two centuries of ideological shift can the republican faith of the Founding Fathers be described as "conservative." 
        The Civil War, too, was a struggle between left and right, between patriots and ... well, in those days, the Confederate leaders were deemed traitors (an epithet now usually avoided out of a decent concern for Southern sensibilities). Academics will argue forever about that war's underlying economic and social causes, but it was the contemporary left that sought to abolish slavery and preserve the Union, while the right fought to preserve slavery and dissolve the Union. Today, reverence for the Confederacy remains the emotional province of extremely right-wing Southern politicians and intellectuals (as well as the Ku Klux Klan and neo-Nazi skinheads, and not a few members of the tea party)."