June 24, 2013

An Open Letter to Anyone Ready to Write Off Texas: Don’t, Because it’s "Your" Future at Stake | Common Dreams

An Open Letter to Anyone Ready to Write Off Texas: Don’t, Because it’s "Your" Future at Stake | Common Dreams
"It’s no accident or coincidence that so-called flyover states have passed highly restrictive abortion bills in advance of Congress’ vote. That’s part of the plan. Anti-choice politicians and activists have been working for years to reduce access to abortion in red states where they know they’ll find little opposition from friendly legislators looking to ramp up the war on women.

Texas is not a throw-away state full of throw-away people who can be shrugged off with a contemptuous, “Well, what do you expect?” Texas is not an outlier. Texas is a test case for right-wingers with their eyes on the coasts and, as Congress showed this week, Washington, D.C."