January 8, 2013

Texas To Supreme Court: Strike Down The Voting Rights Act So That We Can Suppress The Vote

Texas To Supreme Court: Strike Down The Voting Rights Act So That We Can Suppress The VoteVoter ID laws serve no valid purpose. Although their supporters claim they are needed to combat in person voter fraud, the reality is that such fraud is virtually non-existent. A person is more likely to be struck by lightning than to commit fraud at the polls — one study determined that just 0.00023 percent of votes are the product of in-person fraud. By contrast, voter ID laws do have a major impact on minority voters in particular. Even conservative estimates suggest that voter ID prevents 2 to 3 percent of registered voters from casting a ballot, and racial minorities are disproportionately more likely to be included among the disenfranchised.
In other words, voter ID is exactly the sort of thing the Voting Rights Act was enacted to prevent.