October 3, 2012

And yet another attempt to 'introduce' Romney that doesn't end in disaster

And yet another attempt to 'introduce' Romney that doesn't end in disaster
"The country knows who he is. They don't like him. They don't like how he loves to fire people. They don't like how he mocks their non-Kenneth Cole jackets. They don't like how he shits on the gourmet cookies that cute old ladies give him. They don't like how he makes $10,000 bets when they're all getting fired by the Mitt Romneys of American industry. They don't like how he dismisses 47 percent of America as a bunch of moochers. They don't like how his wife barks at people as if they're the help. They don't like how he "jokes" about crying when writing a check (from his ample treasury) to a church in which he's a bishop. They don't like how he'sa jerk to his own family.

That's why his unfavorability numbers have gone up and up and up the more people get to know him:"